Multiple choice exercise: signs
Look at the signs. Someone asks you what they mean: for each sign, choose the correct explanation
- come in whenever you like
- please ring for an appointment
- We will call you when we are free
- Visitors please wait outside
- Please do not take these seats
- These seats are already reserved
- Stay here if you want a seat
- These seats are not being used
- Leave this gate open during the day
- This gate must never be left open
- There is no lock on this gate
- Please close this gate carefully
- Each tour lasts less than two hours
- A tour leaves here every two hours
- The tour is longer than two hours
- Each tour is under an hour long
- You cannot buy a drink until the interval
- Drinks are served here before the interval.
- You can ask for drinks in time for hte interval.
- Drinks are served just after the start of the interval.
- Villagers take care of these gardens
- These gardens are privately owned
- We are looking for a new gardener
- Visitors may not use these gardens
- You are advised to wait here for an assistant.
- You should ask if you want someone to help you.
- Please help yourself if our asistants are busy.
- Our assistants are pleased to receive any advice.
- You must play your radio very quietly in the gardens.
- You must not bring radios into the gardens.
- Do not leave your radio in these gardens.
- Radios cannot be played in these gardens.
- Please help children to cross here safely.
- This area is dangerous unless you can swim.
- Stop children going too near the water.
- This water is not safe for drinking.
- This door must be left open during the day.
- When you leave, this door should remain open.
- You must check this door is shut when you depart.
- Please leave the key behind when you go.