Ancien manuel: New English File pre-intermediate Site d'exercices de OUP Unit 1A Grammar: present simple or continuous? Vocabulary list 1A Vocabulary exercise: foodUnit 1B Grammar: past narratives, exercise 1, exercise 2, exercise 3, exercise 4, exercise 5, exercise 6 Vocabulary list 1B Vocabulary exercise: sports Unit 1C Grammar: the future tenses, exercise 1, exercise 2 >Vocabulary list 1C Vocabulary exercises: exercise 1 family and relationships, exercise 2 personality Unit 2A Grammar: past simple or present perfect? Vocabulary list 2A Vocabulary exercise: money Unit 2B Grammar: present perfect continuous, exercise 1 and exercise 2 Vocabulary list 2B Vocabulary exercise: changing your life Unit 2C Grammar: comparatives and superlatives Vocabulary list 2C Vocabulary exercise: transport Unit 3A Quizlet on the vocabulary list Unit 4A Quizlet on the vocabulary list Unit 4B Quizlet on the vocabulary list Unit 5C Quizlet on the vocabulary list