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Adjectives clean - dirty Nouns Verbs
young - old high - low the light - the darkness rise - decrease
long - short beautiful - ugly the beauty - the ugliness lengthen - shorten
late - early fat / thick - thin / meager the youth - the old age appear - disappear
small - big clever - stupid the poverty - the richness add - subtract
light - heavy complicated - simple the weakness - the strength accept - refuse
light - dark wet - dry the question - theanswer to cry - to laugh
fast - slow warm - cold a compliment - an insult to arrive - to leave
expensive - cheap hot - freezing dawn - dusk to start - to finish
difficult - easy lazy - hardworking departure - arrival to forbid - to allow
necessary - useless outgoing - shy comfort - discomfort to shout - to whisper
rich - poor ancient - modern   to float - to sink
asleep - awake good - bad   to admit - to deny
blunt - sharp careful - careless   Prepositions
broad - narrow closed - open   on - under
right - wrong brave - cowardly   into - out of
true - false empty - full   in front of - behind
exciting - boring far - near   against - for
funny - serious best - worst   after - before
      below - above

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